I recently posted the following on Facebook:
ENOUGH ALREADY!! We all just listened to an entire year of political commercials..... And now it just moves to Facebook? I can TiVo the commercials away... What do you do here? Suggestions? And by the way... If you check elections for the past half a century, this country is about fifty-fifty. You’re not gonna change any minds posting the party line right or left here. Anyone wanna talk football?
A good number of folks that regularly appear on my wall have been posting all sorts of political commentary. What I find interesting in this is that their postings are usually an exact or nearly exact regurgitation of one TV or Radio personality or another. Often, they will thank some such for “revealing the Truth” about one point or another. Invariably, if you do a little REAL homework, you will find that little of what you hear anywhere from anyone is grounded in the TRUTH.
Now this isn’t a matter of taking sides or professing a particular party affiliation. No, this is simply a matter of reading, researching on government websites that by law must post the facts as they are and accepting that simple truth.
This parroting of stories without any Real knowledge has become rampant.
It was Ben Franklin who said:
“Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.”
There are no truer words for the times if you include the reading of “articles, blogs and commentaries” as that which you hear, and of course television as part of what you see.
These rigid stances based on beliefs in party line are so far from what most of us believe. If we talk, one on one, issue by issue, you will find that we agree on about eighty percent of things; eighty percent of things about which we know the hard truth.
We have become so inundated with sound bites and talking points, that we rarely look any deeper, and just take what we are fed at apparent face value. We glom onto our favorite: Columnist, blogger, anchor, commentator, or talk show host, and assume that all we see, read and hear is the truth.
Market share and ratings are what drive our “information train” these days. “The Colbert Report and the Daly Show” have become the primary news source for many of us… REALLY? You think I am kidding? Just ask around. What was once news, is about income, profitability and I repeat, ratings.
A relentless trend in all of this, is the never ending election cycle. Years ago, there was a “Campaign Season.” These seasons were one half, or even one third of what they are today. It now is literally never ending. Last week, ON ELECTION NIGHT, the jousting began. Who is presidential timber? Who will they choose for running mates? If the election (2012) were held today who would win such and such race??
For me, this says it all:
“There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief…”
Bob Dylan – All Along the Watchtower
ENOUGH ALREADY!! We all just listened to an entire year of political commercials..... And now it just moves to Facebook? I can TiVo the commercials away... What do you do here? Suggestions? And by the way... If you check elections for the past half a century, this country is about fifty-fifty. You’re not gonna change any minds posting the party line right or left here. Anyone wanna talk football?
A good number of folks that regularly appear on my wall have been posting all sorts of political commentary. What I find interesting in this is that their postings are usually an exact or nearly exact regurgitation of one TV or Radio personality or another. Often, they will thank some such for “revealing the Truth” about one point or another. Invariably, if you do a little REAL homework, you will find that little of what you hear anywhere from anyone is grounded in the TRUTH.
Now this isn’t a matter of taking sides or professing a particular party affiliation. No, this is simply a matter of reading, researching on government websites that by law must post the facts as they are and accepting that simple truth.
This parroting of stories without any Real knowledge has become rampant.
It was Ben Franklin who said:
“Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.”
There are no truer words for the times if you include the reading of “articles, blogs and commentaries” as that which you hear, and of course television as part of what you see.
These rigid stances based on beliefs in party line are so far from what most of us believe. If we talk, one on one, issue by issue, you will find that we agree on about eighty percent of things; eighty percent of things about which we know the hard truth.
We have become so inundated with sound bites and talking points, that we rarely look any deeper, and just take what we are fed at apparent face value. We glom onto our favorite: Columnist, blogger, anchor, commentator, or talk show host, and assume that all we see, read and hear is the truth.
Market share and ratings are what drive our “information train” these days. “The Colbert Report and the Daly Show” have become the primary news source for many of us… REALLY? You think I am kidding? Just ask around. What was once news, is about income, profitability and I repeat, ratings.
A relentless trend in all of this, is the never ending election cycle. Years ago, there was a “Campaign Season.” These seasons were one half, or even one third of what they are today. It now is literally never ending. Last week, ON ELECTION NIGHT, the jousting began. Who is presidential timber? Who will they choose for running mates? If the election (2012) were held today who would win such and such race??
For me, this says it all:
“There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief…”
Bob Dylan – All Along the Watchtower